
3Part Harmony 2035 in 9 parts...a Cento This poem was written at an "Imagination Station" during the 3rd Annual Farm festival at Three Part Harmony Farm (http://threepartharmonyfarm.org/) Held October 17th, 2015 for the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture's (http://usdac.us) #DARETOIMAGINE project (http://dare-to-imagine.us/).

The project asked participants/poets to imagine the food and community that would have grown in and around the farm in 2035 and to contribute 3-5 lines of verse to a "cento"--a community written poem.

You can see the photographed stanzas of the poem via twitter search on the hash-tag #3phfCento2035

Although this platform doesn't show the option, this README text and the poem are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share-alike 4.0 International license.

3Part Harmony 2035 in 9 parts...a Cento

curated by Jesse Alexander in collaboration with the Three Part Harmony Farm Community

Twenty years from now in DC
Networks stretch cradle to cradle
Embody sustainability, support the least of these.

Looking ahead –
    Treasuring the soil –
    Celebrating deep roots –
    And –
       A community of hands!

In this now     blood/red sunflowers rise
thru cracks in the gray/face of the bank
that rose from the black slave auction block
that rose from the Piscataway/red fields of sunflowers
that used to be right there

The day is bright and clear
Sitting in the fields, cultivating,
    Children play
At night we revel under the stars
    and the elders join in the  dance

Edible things grow profusely everywhere
Abundance is commonplace
Median strips harbor infinite colors of wildflowers
and....NO ONE is homeless, hungry or dirty

Zero Waste, Just-US! 100% love
Music Echoes through children's fingers
soiled hands, vibrant families eat, love,
play mindfully connected to the Universe!

Biodiversity is restored –
What we were on the verge of losing
is now thriving...
Thank you, Seed Savers of 2015!

The farm is known and totally loved
in this community
Folk want to sing, dance, plant and harvest
This place of seeds, sprouts, flowers, roots
We create, compost, celebrate, nourish together

Create and nourish together. As we seek the
answers between truths and trees. Substance is not an
abstract term in this world of nourishment because we get it
in the fruits we help produce. That's true love.

"Creative Commons License" This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License..